Handle Pool Repairs Before They Become A Problem

Handle Pool Repairs Before They Become A Problem

Pool Maintenance: Two Common, Easy-to-Solve Problems

Your swimming pool isn’t just beautiful and refreshing, it’s also an investment in the long-term value of your home. And proper pool maintenance is essential to the life and beauty of your valuable pool. Swimming pools are far from being simple constructions. Things can easily go wrong, and it’s always best to address these problems as they arise rather than letting them go too long. Here are two common problems you might experience with your swimming pool.

  • Pool Algae – Swimming pool algae is a sort of green or brownish scum that appears on the surface of your pool. Unpleasant to see, it turns your pool from a sparkling blue gem into a scum-covered pit. Pool algae can be treated with a strong form of granular chlorine called “shock.” Essentially, the shock raises the chlorine level of the water to a point where nothing organic can remain alive. After treatment, the dead algae should be vacuumed from the pool, and the pool filter should be changed. A device called an ionizer—once super expensive but now available at reasonable, affordable prices—can then be used to keep the water free from algae.
  • Pool Stains – Pool stains generally come in two types: those caused by metals, and those caused by organic materials. Stains caused by metals are most often brownish in color. Metals can be unwittingly introduced to pool water from a source water content that’s high in minerals, or by equipment degradation, such as pool heater corrosion, which slowly leaks copper into the pool water. Organic-based pool stains are caused by the breakdown of organic material in the pool water. Leaves, or even dead pool algae, are often at the root of these ugly stains. Chemical solutions can be used to treat organically based pool stains; certain types of acid, such as citrus acid, can be employed for removing metal-based stains.

Take care of your pool. Follow proper maintenance steps and protect your investment. You’ll be glad you did. If you’re in need of pool repairs in Tampa call us today. We specialize in all pool repair and tile resurfacing services.

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