Fiberglass or Plaster? Choosing Your Pool Resurfacing Material

Fiberglass or Plaster? Choosing Your Pool Resurfacing Material

There are pluses and minuses for all pool resurfacing materials. Some of the minuses are cost, others longevity. So how do you determine which material to use to resurface your pool? Here is a comparison of the pros and cons of the most widely used pool resurfacing materials:

Fiberglass Lasts Long

Your pool surface will resist weather and erosion the longest if you use fiberglass resurfacing. It has better endurance than either concrete or plaster and it is more resistant to staining and algae build up. Choose fiberglass for a smooth long-lasting pool resurfacing.

Plaster for Lower Cost

Plaster doesn’t last as long as fiberglass but it is definitely cheaper. Plaster installation is not as complicated as other pool resurfacing applications and it doesn’t require professional installation. Still, to make sure that your pool looks the best that it can, you should use a professional pool resurfacing company to resurface your pool.

Quartz and Pebble Plaster Mix for Style

Using plaster mixed with quartz and or pebble makes your pool surface the most resistant to staining, it reinforces the stability of the plaster, and absorbs less of the pool chemicals than all other plaster pool surfaces. These mixtures are a bit more expensive than plain plaster, but they save money in the long run.

Paint for Lowest Cost

If you really want to save money, painting your pool is the cheapest pool resurfacing option. Painting can look good when you use an epoxy paint, which lasts longer than other pool paints. Paint is used on mostly concrete and fiberglass pools and can last several years. But painted pool surfaces are very susceptible to chipping and peeling.

Tiling for Elegance

Pool tiling is probably the most expensive pool resurfacing around, but that is because it is the cleanest, most elegant-looking pool resurfacing option. You can choose from many different tile colors and patterns. Clear or glass tiles make your pool water look super fresh and clean as it shimmers with sunlight and sparkles in shades of blue. Pool resurfacing with tile is the priciest, but it may be the most attractive!

Whichever pool surfacing material you choose, having professional pool resurfacing specialists install it will ensure a good looking finished product!


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