Swimming Pool Repair: How to Fix Your Vinyl Liner

Swimming Pool Repair: How to Fix Your Vinyl Liner

One major part of pool repair is the care and maintenance of your pool’s vinyl liner. The vinyl liner is the outer surface inside the pool that seals the concrete walls, making the pool waterproof. Often decorative as well as functional, vinyl liner is a crucial part of your pool’s maintenance.

You may find sags or gaps in your pool’s vinyl liner at the beginning of pool season. The winter’s temperature fluctuations cause the vinyl to stretch and warp, and eventually pop off the track that holds the vinyl in place. In some cases, you can just pull your vinyl back into place. In other cases, however, the vinyl is too stretched or warped and needs to be repaired. Below, you will find three easy ways to repair your pool’s vinyl liner.

  1. Boiling: Bring a kettle of water to a boil, and then slowly pour the boiling water directly onto the warped section of vinyl. The hot water will cause the stretched vinyl to soften, allowing it to be reshaped. Grasp the top edge of the sagging section, and pull it up and above where you want it to go on the track. Then, retrack the vinyl by twisting the top edge of the vinyl and slipping it horizontally into the track. You can use a paint stirrer or another small wooden piece of wood to push the vinyl into the track. You may need to have a second person pour the water while you pull the vinyl to make things easier.

  2. Blow Drying: Use an extension cord to pull a hair dryer or heat gun out to your pool. Heat the sagging area of the vinyl with the blow dryer by holding the dryer a few inches off the surface of the vinyl at an angle. Be careful not to overheat or scorch the liner! Once the vinyl is pliable, follow the same steps as above to pull it back into place. Be careful while using an electric appliance by the pool, as the combination of electricity and water could be deadly.

  3. Patching: If the sagging or warped portion of your vinyl is irreparable, you can purchase a vinyl patching kit made specifically for swimming pools. To apply the patch, simply cut the patch into a circle, and apply the patch using the adhesive in the kit. Use a patch that is the same color or pattern as your original vinyl to keep the area aesthetically pleasing.

A large part of pool repair is taking care of your pool’s vinyl liner. If you feel that you are unable to properly complete this part of pool repair, be sure to hire a professional, as the liner is a crucial part of your pool’s look and functionality.

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